Here is a list of our most common FAQs. If you have a question and you can’t find an answer, please don’t hesitate to CONTACT US.

How can I prepare for my first book club?
You can prepare for your first book club meeting by following these steps:
  • Download Zoom. Zoom provides a “Join a test meeting” link to check your device can run Zoom meetings.
  • Learn the basic zoom controls and practise the following –
    • Turning the video on and off.
    • Turning the microphone on and off.
    • Using the raise hand button.
  • Make sure your Webcam is working and that you have a bland background with no personal or sensitive data visible, so that no additional information can be seen.
  • Find a quiet place to attend the book club and make sure you have your book and Book Club Buddies® pen with you.
  • Read the Buddy Guide.
What technology will I need?
Book Club Buddies® works on all major web browsers and we use Zoom for live book club meetings. You will need a working webcam and microphone and a reliable internet connection. If you have any technical issues then you can look at Zoom’s comprehensive Help Centre. At Book Club Buddies® we will do our best to help if you experience any difficulties with your technology but our main focus is on creating a fun and engaging book club, so their ability to help individual members is limited.
What shall I bring with me to the book club?
Please bring the following to every class:
  • The book.
  • The Book Club Buddies® pen and book mark.
What time should I arrive for my chosen book club?

We would ask you to log on to the Zoom link at-least 5 minutes before the session starts.

How many children are in each book club?

Clubs are typically between 3 and 8 children per book club.

How much independent reading is required?

After each Session your child will be told what independent reading will need to be completed before the following week. On most occasions this will be around 3 chapters, however this may vary depending on how much the book club was able to cover in the session.

What if my child is sick?

If your child is extremely unwell and unable to attend any session in the book club please let us know as soon as reasonably possible.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of our book clubs, we are unable to offer a refund for any sessions missed.

What if my child has not completed the independent reading before the next session?

We strongly encourage the children to complete their independent reading each week, so that they are able to engage more deeply and have a greater depth of knowledge about the book. However, we make sure that each session begins with a recap of the previous chapters, so that they are able to follow the story line and participate in the book discussions.

Is there a sibling discount?

We do not currently offer a discount to siblings.

How do I book my child into a book club?
All bookings are made online – please visit www.bookclubbuddies.com. If you need assistance one of our team will be happy to help and can be emailed at info@bookclubbuddies.com Please ensure you read our terms and conditions before making any booking. All bookings are subject to availability. Book Club Buddies® can take bookings right up until the week before the book club starts subject to availability.

Ready for you child to join?

Our Buddy Guide

Be on time

Please be ready to start and log on 5 minutes before each of your Zoom sessions.

Come prepared

Please bring your book and book club pen to every session.

Keep your video turned on

Please keep your video turned on through the session so that we are always able to see your face for our discussions.

Share your thoughts

Please don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, even if you disagree with the rest of your group. No idea is a bad idea. Let your unique voice be heard.

Be kind, respectful and polite

Please speak positively to one another and remember to always be respectful and polite.

Take turns

Sometimes multiple people will want to contribute at the same time. If you end up accidentally talking over another person, please let the other person go first.

Keep personal information private

Please don’t share any specific personal information such as your address.

Have fun!

Most importantly we want you to have fun!